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Consultants analyze current operations and identify areas for improvement in terms of efficiency, productivity and cost reduction.

Consultants analyze current operations and identify areas for improvement in terms of efficiency, productivity and cost reduction.

Consultants analyze current operations and identify areas for improvement in terms of efficiency, productivity and cost reduction.

CPF financing

At Finax, we specialize in financing and supporting entrepreneurs. We offer you tailor-made solutions, based on your profile, your sector of activity and your development potential. .

 We help you to :

  •  Develop your financing plan and your business plan

  •   Obtain bank loans, honorary loans, micro-credits, or guarantees

  •  -Raise funds from venture capital networks or business angels

 We also support you throughout your entrepreneurial journey, by offering you :

  •   Regular and personalized monitoring by a dedicated advisor

  •  Access to training, workshops and events

  •  A network of partners and experts in your field


Conditions of use of CPF rights

1. Obtaining a driving license must promote access to employment or its sustainability or allow the realization of a professional project .

2. The holder of the CPF must pas be the subject of a suspension de son permis or a ban on applying for a permit

3. The training must be provided by a driving-school meeting criteria précis, soit:

  • Être référencé Datadock
  • Être référencée par les organismes financeurs
  • Avoir effectué sa déclaration d'activité

Steps to use CPF rights

1. Consult the amount you have available by activating your personal activity account

2. Ask A estimate your needs in terms of number of hours and the estimated cost of your training at a driving-school approved Datadock.

To note : the number of hours for a license on a vehicle with a manual gearbox is a minimum of 20 hours and on an automatic gearbox a minimum of 13 hours.

3. Create the training file on the site

4. Send the file to l’OPCO to which you report as an employee or to your referent if you are a job seeker

To note :In the event that the CPF rights are not sufficient to finance the entire training, additional financing is possible.